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Membership of the Choir's community

The Choir is always looking for new members, both Singing Members and Subscription Members.

Singing members perform at Choir concerts in the Choir uniform, and attend regular rehearsals.

Subscription Members attend our Public Concerts and are entitled to 4 free tickets per year, and to free copies of our newsletters as and when they are produced.

To become a Subscription Member

If you would like to become one of our Subscription members, please complete the application form below, and click Send.   For our part, we greatly appreciate your support, which assures us of a core audience, and it also means that our basic expenses are covered.

Then pay the Subscription membership fee by internet banking, or at your bank branch:

Account:  06-0996-0552103-00

Account name:  Wellington Male Voice Choir

Reference:  Your name


Please ensure you include your name as the reference so we know who has paid!

Thanks! Message sent.

To become a Singing member

If you would like to become one of our singing members, please talk to our Music Director, Mark Stamper, or any of the choir members after a concert.  Or come to one of our weekly practices.  Alternatively, you can send a message via the contact page on this website.

There is an annual fee of $300, payable annually or in 12 monthly sums of $25, and a once-off Hire cost for Uniform items, the WMVC jacket and tie.  These are available at a substantial discount, but the jacket and tie must be returned to the Choir in good condition if you leave the Choir.  Choristers must also purchase their own trousers of the WMVC pattern and colour.  Please enquire for details.  Choristers wear a white shirt and black socks which they provide themselves.

The annual fee helps pay for copyright and royalties of the music scores, which remain Choir property, and other Choir expenses such as venue hire, and payments to the Music Director, accompanist and guest performers etc.

No formal audition is required, but the Music Director may ask to hear you to determine which section of the choir would be your best fit.  You may choose to attend a number of our rehearsals prior to deciding whether to become a singing member.


Feel free to come to Tawa Anglican Church, Main Road, Tawa, usually on a Monday* evening during our weekly practice from 7:00 to 9:00pm, between February and November, and experience our singing of a wide range of music.  And share our unique fellowship and a cup of tea afterwards. 

(* Please check for occasional dates when there will be NO practice, using the contact form - see header.)


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